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yfc military

Connected Around the World

July 6, 2021


Reaching Young People at JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam

Youth For Christ’s Military ministry at Joint Base (JB) Pearl Harbor-Hickam, led by Chase McAllister, Ministry Site Director, leverages the virtual landscape of 2020 to forge lasting relationships between the military youth of Hawaii.

When McAllister explored virtual alternatives to YFC’s Campus Life Military ministry during the pandemic, he discovered an invaluable resource to the transient lifestyle of military families. YFC’s ministry typically hosts a weekly “Club Night” where youth find an environment to meet and make friends through Jesus Christ. When the group was not able to meet in-person for Club Night, students connected with each other online through social media apps, like Twitch and Discord.

“Connecting online outside of the weekly Club Nights allows us to get to know the students in their space and on their time,” says Chase. “Their sense of humor comes out, they find connections based on similar interests and they share their faith, their burdens and their joy.”

Once COVID restrictions were lifted and YFC was able to resume their in-person ministry, 50 young people showed up to Club Night – as if they never skipped a beat while virtual. Most military families move to different bases every two to three years. Facilitating this online community helps students stay connected even after they leave JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam.

“YFC’s Military Ministry Leaders, like Chase McAllister and his team of volunteers, support our military-connected youth and their families with unconditional, authentic Christ-sharing relationships,” says Jacob Bland, President and CEO of Youth For Christ. “I pray that God continues to inspire our ministers with creative and unique ways to serve our military youth where they are and facilitate more lifelong, faith-filled relationships, despite the challenge posed by their transient lifestyle.”

Social media platforms have been an invaluable resource to youth ministry for military families during this past year. Chase and local volunteer ministry leaders continue to leverage virtual opportunities for students – both current and former – to forge unique connections, in addition to robust in-person youth ministry.

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